Menopause Treatment

Dr. Jennifer Berman

Menopause is a word that most women do not look forward to. Menopause occurs one year after a woman’s final menstruation cycle. In the time leading up to menopause you might go through a vast amount of changes in your body that have to do with your monthly menstruation cycles. You might experience hot flashes or a host of additional symptoms during the menopausal transition (also called ​perimenopause​).

Usually, menopausal transitions occur in women between the ages of 45 and 55. Menopausal transitions can last around 7 years on average, but transitions can also span far longer, reaching into 10-14 years. So, what happens to the body during menopause? Production of estrogen and progesterone (2 hormones produced by your ovaries) starts to vary greatly. Your bones lose some of their density, which can make you more susceptible to experiencing fractures. Your body will also start to use energy differently, fat cells will begin to change, which might result in weight gain.

Menopause symptoms include hot flashes and night sweats, psychological changes (depression, mood swings, concentration difficulties, etc.), urinary incontinence, vaginal dryness, insomnia, changes in the skin (decreased elasticity, for instance), loss of sex drive, and more. If you’re experiencing any abnormal vaginal bleeding, you should report this to your physician immediately.

Menopause can happen at the most inopportune times of your life, like after a hysterectomy or the surgical removal of the ovaries. For instance, if you have surgery for removal of the ovaries and do not take supplemental hormones, you’ll experience menopause symptoms immediately. Menopause can also happen during times in your life of external transitions, like caring for a sick parent or relative, or it can happen as you move through adulthood yourself, or even when you take on new responsibilities at your work or at home.

Who to See About Your Menopause Problems – Menopause Specialist

I’m Dr. Jennifer Berman and I’m currently accepting patients who struggle with menopausal health. I’m among the most credible and accomplished authorities in female sexual health.

I’ve been active in the media since early in my career due to my activism and advocacy of women’s health, not to mention my ground-breaking research. I’ve since used my platform and voice to create opportunities to affect positive change and educate the population about women’s sexual health.

I’m also the founder and creator of ​The Berman Women’s Wellness Center​, a comprehensive, multidisciplinary, state-of-the-art center dedicated to women and women’s wellness. Contact me today to schedule a consultation and get active when it comes to taking control of your sexual health!

*Female Urologist Dr. Jennifer Berman has written information about Menopause treatment that has been carefully reviewed. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us using our form.

Menopause Faq

Q: “What is Menopause?

A: If you have gone a full 12 months without a period, you are officially in menopause!  Menopause is the time that marks the end of a woman’s menstrual cycle and usually happens in your late 40’s early 50’s with the average age being 51. Menopausal symptoms typically last between 4-7 years, however they decrease in frequency and intensity with time.

Q: How do I know if I am in perimenopause, or menopause?

A: Many of my patients wonder what the difference is between Perimenopause and Menopause.  Perimenopause is the “lead-up” to menopause, which most women experience during their forties.  Menstrual cycles become irregular and spotty.  Fertility begins to decline during this time but conceiving a child may still be a possibility.

Q: Symptoms of menopause

A: During menopause, the hormones in a woman’s body are in flux. The production of estrogen and progesterone are declining and symptoms such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, low libido, mood changes, and difficulty sleeping often occur. The body begins to use energy differently as fat cells change, and many of my patients experience weight gain.

…but it’s not all bad! 

Luckily there are many options to treating the symptoms that will have you looking and feeling 20 years younger!

Q: What treatment options are available? 

A: I recommend Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) to many of my patients to help relieve the symptoms of menopause.

Hormone Replacement Therapy is used to supplement the body’s natural hormone levels which drop during menopause.  It is the most effective treatment for menopausal symptoms, with many options being biochemically identical to the hormones produced by the body.

Many of my patients notice a difference almost immediately after starting HRT.  They report having more energy, better skin, thicker hair, and fewer wrinkles!  Their sex drives return which improves their overall relationship, and the hot flashes and sweat filled sheets are replaced with a good night’s sleep.